TOPIX Webshop Interface

For efficient workflows and high functionality

Why You Need an Interface Between ERP and Online Shop

TOPIX's ERP system is the core of your business, where orders, deliveries, invoices, and much more come together. On the other hand, the online shop serves as the public face of your business. This is where your customers register and place orders. An automatic interface bridges the gap between these two worlds, eliminating the need for manual data reconciliation. This results in significant time savings and simultaneously reduces the risk of data entry errors. Your customers also benefit from the interface as they can view the current inventory and stay informed about the status of their orders.

The Best of Both Worlds

With the TOPIX Webshop Interface, you can easily and quickly transfer data from TOPIX to your online shop. Conversely, you import information from the webshop into the TOPIX ERP system. This allows you to make the most of both worlds: a reliable ERP system combined with a flexible solution for your eCommerce. The specific data exchanged depends on the particular shop you are using.

TOPIX currently supports:

  • xt:Commerce
  • Shopware
  • Oxid
  • WooCommerce
  • and other shop systems (please inquire for details)

Scope of the TOPIX Webshop Interface


    xt:Commerce 6

    • Transfer of product and price information such as features, images, discount tiers, accessory items, promotional prices, or links from TOPIX to the online shop.
    • Transfer of orders, customer and order data including shipping costs, billing and delivery addresses, as well as order positions from the webshop to the TOPIX ERP system.
    • Additional features include cross-selling, inclusion of supplier data including order numbers, multilingualism, and platform independence.

    Additional Shops

    Shopware 6, OXID und WooCommerce 4

    • Transfer and creation of customer data from the webshop to TOPIX
    • Matching of articles between the webshop and TOPIX
    • Import of orders into TOPIX
    • Handling of guest orders