TOPIX Universal Interface

Data exchange via REST, SOAP WebServices with ODBC and XML

The TOPIX Universal Interface enables the convenient integration of various systems with TOPIX. Data exchange can be performed through SOAP WebServices in XML format. Numerous areas can be read from and written to TOPIX in this way. Master data (accounts, individuals, cost centers), outgoing and incoming invoices, credit notes, cancellations, commission invoices, and tax invoices for domestic, EU, and other foreign countries are transmitted via ASCII text files.

The return of payments to the invoicing system is also supported. For the import from invoicing programs that do not specifically support the TOPIX Universal Interface, a customizable interface setting exists. This option allows for the flexible definition of import forms tailored to the respective application (considering FileMaker repeating fields).

Scope of the TOPIX Universal Interface



    • Master data (accounts, individuals, cost centers)
    • Optional master data reconciliation
    • Outgoing and incoming invoices
    • Credit notes, cancellations, and commission invoices
    • Tax invoices for domestic, EU, and other foreign countries Bookings; Payments
    • Flexible definition of import forms for external databases
    • Processing of FileMaker repeating fields



    • Master data (accounts, individuals, cost centers)
    • Payments (not applicable in the FileMaker version)



    • Industry solutions, ERP systems, and payroll accounting systems
    • Access to all ODBC-compatible programs through ODBC and SQL