TOPIX Interfaces

Overview of Interfaces from Individual Areas

Integration and Standardization

Due to the high level of integration, TOPIX can operate with relatively few interfaces. In many cases, the TOPIX DATEV interface is actually the only one used to transfer order or booking data to the tax consultant. Standardized procedures for transferring tax and social data to tax offices, health insurance companies, and social security agencies are also quite common. Of course, there are various situations where the transfer of data externally or the acquisition from other databases is necessary and helpful. Therefore, a variety of interfaces are available.

TOPIX offers convenient import and export functions in many areas. Here, data can be selectively imported or exported in "tab-text format" from files such as Microsoft Excel. The configuration of these imports and exports can be easily defined in dialog form. Frequently used configurations can also be saved and activated directly for later use.


  • BI Interface (Integration of external analysis and BI software)
  • CTI Interface (Integration of specific telephone systems)
  • DocuWare Interface (Management of external documents)
  • iOS Integration (TOPIX data via iPhone/iPad)
  • Universal Interface (Integration of external systems)

Order Processing and Procurement

Finance and HR

  • Interfaces to Time Recording Terminals