TOPIX Purchasing

Software for inquiries, orders, warehouse entries, and incoming invoices

Informative Evaluations of Our Purchasing Software

Learn more about TOPIX Purchasing Software and its benefits: With TOPIX, you can generate various evaluations, including turnover, gross profit, sales in units, and rankings, among others. Particularly noteworthy is the support for purchasing associations. In this case, the payment conditions of an association or individual payment conditions can be automatically taken into account.

Familiar Workflows

With TOPIX, processing inquiries, orders, warehouse entries, and incoming invoices is a breeze. In orders, descriptions, prices, and conditions are automatically taken from the item and performance directory and can be customized individually. Alternatively, they can also be generated from the item lists and the dispatch list of open order positions. All data is transferred directly to financial accounting.

Practical Integration

With the serial number management from the TOPIX Materials Management module, even tracking individual items is possible, for example, to monitor warranty periods. The necessary recording work happens in one go during the entry and verification of incoming invoices. A significant time saver is the direct connection to the TOPIX Payment Transaction/Banking module. Payment proposals are generated from all recorded incoming invoices. Payments are made directly from TOPIX.

Functions from Other Areas



TOPIX offers, as a complete CRM system for macOS, Windows, and iOS, not only address management but also appointment scheduling, DMS (Document Management System), a ticket system, and many other features. You can choose between using it on-premise or in the cloud.



The capture and management of addresses are just one component of TOPIX. This is complemented by many other clever functions from the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) area. Order processing, purchasing, production, and project management are just a few examples.

Features: TOPIX Purchasing



    • Euro and foreign currency capable
    • Multilingual
    • Supported components: Supplier inquiries/orders, Goods receipts (with automatic inventory entry), Incoming invoices
    • Direct data transfer with the ability to freely modify all items and conditions by reference to the corresponding previous document
    • Entry of incoming invoices even without an order
    • Different tax rates per document
    • Management of supplier-specific item information


    Automatic Pricing

    • Price class adjustable at the supplier level
    • Consideration of quantity scales
    • Line and global discount adjustable at the supplier level
    • Storage of supplier prices



    • Detailed Order and Invoice Status
    • Itemized presentation of delivery and billing status
    • Status-dependent total calculation in the order and invoice lists


    Integration into Sales and Materials Management

    • Order-related ordering with optional consolidation of items for the same articles
    • Purchase order generation based on warehouse information considering minimum order quantities and open orders

    Print Templates

    Print Templates

    • Supplied Sample Set for Forms
    • Form editor for modifying the supplied forms and for individual, CI-compliant design (as in correspondence)
    • Unlimited form variants per transaction type, portrait/landscape up to A3
    • Automatic generation of all prints with an option for manual post-processing

    Incoming Invoices

    Incoming Invoices

    • Direct automatic data transfer (with the ability to freely modify all items and conditions): Goods receipt to incoming invoice, Order to incoming invoice
    • Goods receipt control based on orders
    • Status information for team-oriented goods receipt inspection
    • Direct, automated transfer of all values to financial accounting


    Transfer to Financial Accounting, Payment Processing

    • Automatic transfer of all relevant parameters (including possible discounts to pre-set accounts) to financial accounting and payment processing
    • Management of payment information
    • Support for special conditions of purchasing associations

    Goods Receipts

    Goods Receipts

    • Direct automatic transfer from orders
    • Automatic inventory posting
    • Backorder quantity management

    Project Management

    Interaction with TOPIX Project Management

    • Complete or itemized allocation to projects and jobs
    • Transfer of hidden or open external cost surcharges as specified in the article master, changeable
    • Specification for onward billing
    • Specification for the payment of the artist social security contribution, automatable depending on the type of service and legal form of the supplier