TOPIX Project Management

Managing projects with jobs to support team processes

TOPIX Project Management Software with Data Consistency and Mobile Access

Data from the TOPIX Project Management Software can be transferred seamlessly to the TOPIX Financial Accounting or TOPIX Cost and Performance Accounting modules. Alternatively, you can hand over the accounting-relevant data through the TOPIX DATEV interface to your tax consultant. Access rights allow you to control action and insight permissions for each employee. Even freelance workers can be securely integrated in this way. If necessary, it is also possible to limit project access per department (workgroup).

With the web or iPhone/iPad client, you can quickly retrieve project and customer-related information. Access is always through the central server, taking into account all the access permissions mentioned above.

Moreover, in addition to TOPIX Project Management, you can also utilize the CRM and ERP areas of TOPIX. This way, you have all your data in one system and can optimize your processes.

Benefits for midsize companies

Adaptable to your processes

With TOPIX project management, you can successfully execute your projects and significantly streamline your workflows. The structures can be easily tailored to your needs and specific processes. TOPIX project management aligns with natural workflows, allows standardization of your processes, provides flexibility for special cases and changes, reduces necessary steps, and always offers relevant information to all stakeholders.

Detailed planning with Jobs

Projects are always divided into work packages (Jobs). Simple projects may have only one or two Jobs, while extensive projects can have several hundred Jobs, which may be grouped together or further subdivided with the scheduling and task management. Jobs include all commercial and temporal specifications, descriptions, and possibly quality assurance elements.

Clear budgeting

If necessary, you can consolidate multiple projects into budgets and sub-budgets, monitoring them in terms of order backlog, service delivery, and billing volume. When predefined limits are reached, responsible individuals are automatically notified. Optional inventory management features and the disposition list assist you in the procurement of materials and goods.

Systematic Interface

The systematically structured user interface helps you always keep track. Additionally, with appropriate access permissions, all employees involved in the project can be easily integrated into the entire process. A glance at the project screen displays all related processes: jobs, deadlines, tasks, correspondences, logs, notes, calculations, quotes, order confirmations, delivery notes, invoices, orders, and incoming invoices.

Transparent Billing

You can trace all work steps even after years. Inquiries from the client can be answered precisely, as can questions about the profitability of the projects. You can also quickly generate comprehensive invoices: according to an agreed fixed price, on a time and material basis, or using a mixed approach. Additional billing options include partial and installment invoices, as well as automated third-party cost settlements.

Evaluations and Reports

With TOPIX project management, you can confidently control all project processes. The evaluation page provides an overview of current work progress and the commercial development of the project. Both standard evaluations and the TOPIX analytics report directly access project data, so you don't need knowledge of accounting or access to these functions. Once set up, all stakeholders receive their information at the push of a button.

Project Management

... requires good processes and structures. The planning and calculation, overview and implementation, correct billing, and easy operation all depend on the right software. Help your team and let your business grow – with TOPIX.

Features: TOPIX Project Management



    • Multilevel, flexibly adaptable system
    • Access control at the project level, depending on the project manager and customer service representative with priority for department heads
    • Freely configurable template projects with detailed templates for included jobs
    • Division into internal projects and customer projects possible
    • Optional budget management: Assignment of each project to budgets and sub-budgets

    Project level

    Project level

    • Collection folder function for correspondence, notes, quotes, orders, delivery notes, invoices, purchases, incoming invoices, events, category entries, tickets, and goods receipts.
    • Subdivision of projects into up to 999 jobs (= tasks, activities, activity packages).
    • Assignment for 2 project managers, responsible supervisors, and representatives/sales representatives.
    • Start and end date.
    • Priorities.
    • Project status (commercial).
    • Free fields with optional, freely configurable selection lists.
    • Up to three project briefings: project description for customers, project briefing for employees, and project notes for project managers.
    • Option for project management without performance recording.
    • Option for project management with approval process for provided services.
    • Direct insight into all related jobs with three views: calculation, shortlist by prices, shortlist by dates, and assignee allocation.
    • Direct insight into services already provided with prices and billing status.
    • Specification for billing procedures "after order confirmation," "based on effort," and "without charge."
    • Automation of external cost calculation when capturing incoming invoices.
    • Specification for open external cost markups and hidden external cost surcharges.
    • Semi-automated billing for services already provided.
    • Direct access to quick evaluation in the project screen.
    • Predefined, configurable evaluations for all common standards.
    • Freely generatable evaluations via the included report generator.

    Job level

    Job level and Budget/Expense Management

    • Up to 999 jobs (= tasks, activities, activity packages).
    • Partially automated creation of jobs by transferring items from quotes or order confirmations and extensive default values from the item master data.
    • Presentation of all relevant information of the parent project in the job input mask.
    • Jobs "by time" or "by quantity" (a mix is not recommended).
    • Assignment of up to 10 processors and/or processing teams.
    • Optional: Resource planning.
    • Optional: Division into work steps.
    • Schedule with start, end date, and specification of schedule certainty.
    • Specifications for execution location and quality.
    • Ten-level job status (work progress status).
    • Continuously updated target/actual comparison for provided time services.
    • Direct overview of associated sales and purchase documents.
    • Continuously updated overview of additional effort and partial billing when using this function in performance recording.
    • Direct insight into all associated, already provided services with prices, billing status, and correction values.

    Performance Recording

    Performance Recording

    • For each job, any number of services can be recorded.
    • Separation of in-house and external services.
    • Recording "by time" or "by quantity."
    • Quick entry with display of all relevant information from the project and the parent job's specifications.
    • Swift recording of time-based services and used materials in one go.
    • Naming of the service based on the designation of the master item.
    • Freely inputtable description with text modules.
    • Always up-to-date representation of the target/actual comparison from the parent job.
    • Optional: Detailed recording and justification for additional expenses (vs. plan).
    • Optional: Detailed recording and justification for partial billing proposals.
    • Recording of external costs (expenses, outlays) possible in the same mask if no recording via incoming invoice is possible, with calculation aids.
    • Overview of all recorded services for the active user on a daily basis.
    • Configurable entry mask: Unused fields can be hidden globally or per user in the TOPIX settings.