TOPIX Performance Recording

Speed, efficiency, flexible operation – Performance recording software by TOPIX

Practical Recording of Services – with TOPIX Performance Recording Software

With TOPIX Performance Recording, you can capture services in selectable levels of detail. You have the option to display the current target value comparison or view information about the respective projects and jobs, as well as the already recorded services. Additionally, you can show an overview of all upcoming jobs, deadlines, tasks, and reminders for an employee for a selectable period. The recording can be done either in the TOPIX Client, in the browser, or on the iPhone

Cost-Effective Client

TOPIX ensures that your employees have all relevant information in view during performance recording. Workstations that only perform performance recording without other activities in TOPIX can be equipped with a cost-effective, "small" recording client. In addition to logging their activities, these colleagues always receive current information about upcoming jobs, deadlines, and tasks through their personal event overview.

Flexible Working Method

Depending on the licensed modules, performance recording is possible not only from project and job management but also from the ticket system, time tracking, or schedule and task management.

Upon request, an automated performance recording control can also be utilized. Depending on the settings, TOPIX reports the recorded data directly to project managers or management. A special evaluation provides an overview of the recorded times of all employees per week.