TOPIX Article Master

Clarity, extensively configurable, automated posting, and evaluations

Customization and Automation

With TOPIX, you can create clear and fair commission settlements. Many everyday scenarios are covered by the existing options, thanks to the consideration of general guidelines in combination with specifications for individual customers. As commission models can also be subject to very specific rules, this area is well-prepared for individual customizations.

The automated posting of all transactions ensures that all positions in order processing and purchasing always end up in the correct accounts - without the executing employees even noticing.


The article, material, and service directory forms the basis for pricing and automating order processing. Multiple description texts per item allow customized formulations for quotes, delivery notes, and invoices. The use of images is also possible. Optional free fields can further supplement item descriptions, such as for the output of technical specifications. With multiple supplier management and specifications for purchasing and inventory management, all procurement and inventory management processes are supported.


Through any number of price categories for different discount and customer groups, prices are automatically calculated in a multi-stage system. For each item, freely definable quantity scales can be created. Each position can receive any number of scales. Any number of individual customer prices can be stored for individual services or items. Special, time-limited promotional prices can be used according to pre-set priority rules.

Sets and Bills of Materials

Grouping options at multiple levels facilitate targeted evaluations. Optional bills of materials and sets (bundles) in various variants expedite and secure sales and production processes. Bills of materials can be created in multiple stages and contain individually calculated configuration prices for each bill of materials. They can be flexibly output in order documents.


In TOPIX's item master data, fixed foreign currency prices can be specified or dynamically calculated at the respective daily exchange rate. International business is further supported by foreign language names and descriptions for all items and services, which are taken into foreign language forms based on language preferences from customer data.

Features: TOPIX Article Master

    Article Directory

    Article and Performance Directory

    • Goods, materials, and performance definitions in a shared file
    • Multiple, arbitrarily long descriptions for different purposes
    • Descriptions with variable font styles for emphasis
    • Unlimited names and descriptions (e.g., for foreign languages or specific price lists)
    • Unlimited images per article/performance (from version 9.2.0 onwards)
    • Assignment to freely definable groups
    • Accounting parameters: Revenue and cost account, cost center, and cost bearer can be stored
    • Price lists for standard or promotional prices with the selection of a price scale or a customer

    Price Guidelines

    Support for Price Guidelines

    • Unlimited price classes/discount tiers, freely definable, preset percentages
    • Price class, discount, and surcharge conditions can be stored for each recipient
    • Unlimited quantity scales
    • Quantity scales with different and possibly irregular increments individually for all items/services
    • Customer-specific prices per item (including quantity scales)
    • Thousand-price option
    • Prices with up to four decimal places
    • Free factor (e.g., for rental fees or calculations based on square meters, etc.)
    • Promotional prices (time-limited) with special labels/descriptions
    • Price adjustment as of a specific date: Pre-entry for price changes with global activation on a specific date
    • Fixed prices for foreign currencies (otherwise dynamic conversion based on daily rates)
    • Purchase and sales currencies can be different
    • Sales representative commission rate can be set for each item/service
    • Percentage difference between purchase and sales prices, optionally as margin or markup
    • Upon changing the purchase price, optionally adjust margin/markup or sales price
    • Surcharge function, among others, usable for automated, open external cost surcharges
    • Fee automation for hidden external cost surcharges



    Special Goods and Material Parameters

    • Inventory management with initial stock, warehouse stock, minimum stock
    • EAN code capability (alternatively ISBN)
    • Item weight with cumulative display in delivery notes, etc.
    • Alternative suppliers with their own order number, description, purchase cost, and delivery time
    • Shipping method for transfer to the order


    Special Performance Parameters

    • Definition of internal/external/own performance
    • For each performance, it can be specified whether it should be invoiced based on time or quantity
    • Default parameter settings: Invoicing yes/no, job generation, credit rating class Bundling function, e.g., for daily rate automation
    • Standard time requirements for routine tasks with quantity/time automation