TOPIX Contract Management

Handling and billing for recurring processes – with TOPIX Contract Management Software

Extensive Capabilities with TOPIX Contract Management Software

With TOPIX Contract Management Software, you secure and expedite recurring business processes for billable fees, consulting and support services, all forms of rents and subscriptions, regular service activities, consumption billing, and maintenance contracts or contribution payments. The module covers the requirements of various industries and is especially suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Variants and Special Cases

For automated billing, the Output Configurator in each contract stores the "when" and "how" in any number of variants. On the due date, only a single command is required, and the desired invoices are automatically and fully customized. Consolidated invoices per customer and project are possible, as well as billing through third-party companies.

Sensibly Expandable

With industry-specific supplementary modules for contract and service management, automated recording and timely billing of large quantities of consumption invoices of all kinds are also possible. Fixed flat rates and variable items can be mixed as desired and secured with targeted control mechanisms. Comprehensive solutions are in use for billing copier systems, in the field of telephony and internet providers, as well as for billing mobile data services.

Partial Invoices and Receivables Management for Automated Down Payments, Installments, and Partial Invoices

Tax and Accounting Compliance

With the extended receivables management of TOPIX, you can create your down payments, installments, and partial invoices in a tax-compliant and accounting-correct manner. The automated processing is part of the TOPIX contract management. For advance and partial invoices, the identification of the performance date is legally flawless, either for the entire invoice based on the invoice date or on a per-item basis when the performance period deviates from the invoicing month or when services from multiple months are billed in a single invoice.

Automation and Interfaces

During invoicing, all items are listed according to the offer or order confirmation or based on effort. The latter can be automated using TOPIX project management's performance recording. The final invoice correctly lists already paid down payments and partial invoices, as well as provided services with dates and value-added tax disclosure for financial purposes. The booking of all invoice items is accurately reflected in the TOPIX financial accounting or via the DATEV interface in external accounting solutions.

Features: TOPIX Contract Management


    Features of TOPIX Contract Management

    • Regular or irregular recurring processes with fixed positions.
    • Regular or irregular recurring processes with variable positions (only in conjunction with add-ons).
    • Prepaid or postpaid billing.
    • Billing accurate to the due date.
    • One-time initial and final special payment.
    • Prorated calculation for initial and final partial periods.
    • Flexible variability for runtime design and billing.
    • Two different runtimes possible in one contract, e.g., basic fee and consumption billing (only in conjunction with add-ons).
    • Automatic invoicing on the due date with automatically individualized generation of invoice texts from a variety of default parameters.
    • Customizable print forms in any number of variations, optionally print or PDF/mail delivery.
    • Consolidated invoices per customer, category, or per project, also with targeted summarization in multiple partial consolidated invoices.
    • Collective functions with freely definable subheadings and sums.
    • Termination handling with notice periods, incoming management, deadline check, and termination approval.
    • Definition, monitoring, and execution of planned price adjustments.


    Additional Features for Contract Management

    Recording and Billing of Consumption Data for Copier Systems

    • Acquisition of consumption values: Manually, through import, or via online query; for suitable devices, also through direct device readings
    • Import of consumption data from other recording systems
    • Automated issuance of capture forms or reminders with selectable lead time and delivery via mail, fax, or email
    • Comprehensive central presentation of object and device data
    • Handling, control, and processing of (periodic) supplier invoices
    • Various evaluation options, such as the comparison of consumption values on the purchasing and sales side

    Advance Invoices

    Advance Invoices

    • Tax-Law Compliant Representation of All Items in All Invoice Types
    • Advance invoices (á-conto) when no service has been provided yet.
    • Interim invoices for services provided but not completed.
    • Partial invoices for services already provided and completed.
    • Detailed final invoices considering all advance and interim invoices.
    • Disclosure of received payments, discount amounts, and delivered services with dates and VAT rates.
    • Automation in the following areas: numbering of advance and partial invoices, invoice preparation, evaluation of the service date, and determination of the invoice status.
    • Bookings in compliance with tax laws in financial accounting.
    • Correct balance sheet deferral of provided but not fully invoiced services.
    • Accurate presentation of outstanding balances and project evaluations.