TOPIX Ticket-System Software

Easy handling, clear structure, fast support

Manage customer, service, and support inquiries all in one software.

With the TOPIX Ticket-System Software, tickets can be easily forwarded to other responsible parties. All processing steps and communication are chronologically logged. The linking of tickets with follow-ups and appointments ensures that response and resolution times are met, and no process is lost.

Easy Handling

With the TOPIX Ticket-System, in addition to the basic module, all customer, service, and support requests received via email, phone, fax, or letter can be quickly captured, classified, processed, and stored. All requests, including their corresponding correspondences and category entries, are assigned to a ticket with a unique ticket number, a handler, and a freely selectable priority.


With the TOPIX Ticket-System, you can handle a large volume of inquiries. With the nine-level status, you always stay in control and can notify your customers of a status change with an automated email. Each status change is logged with date, time, and handler. When the ticket is closed, the associated correspondences are also marked as completed.

Features: TOPIX Ticketsystem



    • Each ticket has a number that can be communicated in all processes.
    • Assignment of tickets to companies, individuals, and projects.
    • Assignment of a responsible person currently handling the case.
    • The responsible person can also change (e.g., 1st level, 2nd level / developer).
    • Chronological logging of all processing steps: correspondences (email, letters, fax), telephone logs, category entries, events (appointments, tasks, follow-ups), and listing in a linking area.
    • Creation of correspondences, logs, appointments, tasks, and category entries with automatic linking directly from the ticket.
    • Direct editing of telephone logs and emails in the ticket window.
    • Quick change of the preview from existing documents.
    • Multistage status management (standard statuses: 0=New, 1=Open, 3=Processing, 3i=Info received, 3w=Reopened, 5=Waiting, 7=Check, 8=Communicate, 9=Closed).
    • Automatic, status-dependent email actions with a predefined form.
    • Separate logging of all status changes.
    • Predefined forms for telephone logs.
    • When a ticket is closed, contained correspondences and telephone logs are set to completed after confirmation.
    • Separate prioritization, independent of the status.
    • Separate marking for highlighted operations.
    • Assignment of tickets to topic areas.
    • Variable free fields definable via categories: 7 text, 2 date, 4 checkboxes.
    • Service bookings (in combination with TOPIX project management).
    • Check for connected records when deleting tickets.


    Options for setting up the general or individual workflow

    • Automatically create a telephone protocol when creating
    • Create your own dictation symbol as responsible
    • Open a second window on double-click in the linking area
    • Set status on change in free field 1
    • Set responsible on change in free field 1
    • Automatically change the status to 3=Edit on automatic change of responsibility
    • Manually changing the responsible: change status to 3=Edit
    • Change in telephone note input field: change status to 3=Edit
    • Change in telephone note input field: set responsible anew
    • Automatically create correspondence on status change, e.g., for customer notification
    • Specify ticket number when replying to email
    • When opening the search area, search for own tickets that are not 5=Pending or 9=Closed
    • Set status in incoming correspondence: ticket number
    • Status change depending on correspondence completion
    • Update telephone call to ticket in the linking area
    • Immediately create a ticket for incoming mails from a specific address
    • Send incoming mails that became a ticket to a distribution list as well
    • Output offers, orders, and purchases with ticket number
    • Delivery notes, invoices, and goods receipts with ticket number
    • When creating offers, orders, delivery notes, and invoices, use the company from the project
    • Display linking area when completed
    • Automatic email reception sets status 3i=Info received
    • Manual email assignment sets status 3i=Info received
    • Automatic status 3i=Info received for all statuses between 3=Edit and 9=Closed
    • Background status change with locked ticket
    • Enter responsible as signer in incoming correspondence when automatic email reception
    • When creating correspondence, take over the ticket's subject
    • Send mail to the person(s) concerned on changes in the responsible
    • When creating a ticket from correspondence, transfer the project number from the correspondence to the ticket
    • Additional access of the user via the Responsible field in tickets