All TOPIX Events at a Glance

Webinars, Trainings, Events, Trade Shows, and more.

Get to Know TOPIX Better and Stay Informed! We regularly offer webinars, training sessions, and updates on interesting topics related to our business platform.

(Almost) always in person (because you can also find recordings here!), always up-to-date, always practical.

Have questions or specific scheduling requests? Feel free to reach out to us!


Presentation Webinar icon as turquoise outline – Symbolizing digital training and online seminars with TOPIX Asia

Discover TOPIX

Insight into the System for Prospective Users.

with Alexander Rago

Book Your Personal Preferred Slot

You will have a look into the live TOPIX system. Alexander Rago will demonstrate how TOPIX works and maps processes. Towards the end, he will address your individual questions.

Get informed now and register for free.

Not finding the right event?

Do you have questions about a specific topic or want to see or learn specific aspects of TOPIX? Then our individual training sessions are perfect for you. Trained experts will assist you precisely with your concerns.

Inquire without obligation!