Comprehensive portfolio of consulting and training

Software implementation in the company: We would be happy to advise you!

"Because ideas arise in the mind, not in the office."

As a TOPIX customer, you receive comprehensive consulting services. We support our users in all phases of software implementation, from needs analysis to the actual implementation. Our extensive consulting portfolio is also available throughout the entire usage phase. The software consulting service is provided directly by the manufacturer: Our software consultants have extensive, cross-industry knowledge and comprehensive practical experience. Please take some time to read the description of the procedure during software implementation.

Procedure for Software Implementation

The introduction of new software in a company affects the current business processes and creates new opportunities for development. Therefore, our goal is to provide you with the best possible configuration for the identified needs of your company so that you can work optimally with TOPIX in the future.

To ensure the successful implementation of the software, it is crucial to consider several steps. A comprehensive needs analysis before implementation, optimal support during the software introduction, and comprehensive assistance during ongoing operations are of great importance. Our commitment does not end after the software has been introduced.

Software Implementation Phases

Value Analysis

To optimize the interaction within your company, with customers, and suppliers, we gladly assist you with a comprehensive needs analysis of the existing workflow structure. We help identify improvement potentials, determine the exact requirements, support documentation, and design all adjustments tailored to the actual needs – including individual customizations.


During Implementation

Many of our users embark on the TOPIX software implementation on their own. With our extensive portfolio of video tutorials available in our TOPIX Academy, your employees can become true TOPIX professionals. For larger installations, we recommend booking our experienced consultants. Training sessions can be conducted either online or on-site.


Software Customization

In parallel with training your employees, you can customize your own program screens and fields, implement your own corporate identity (CI), integrate external systems, and automate recurring workflows through our integrated Workflow Wizard.


Parallel Operation

Once your employees have been trained, your external systems are integrated, and you have designed your own program screens, the so-called DryRun begins. Real processes are played out in parallel, and the system is thoroughly tested. This ensures that the software is set up optimally for your needs and provides real added value.



After gathering insights from your DryRun, you decide on your own, or with the assistance of our experienced consultants, whether you are ready for the actual software transition.



It's time! Your existing systems are shut down, and the interfaces are activated. From now on, you work with the all-in-one software solution, TOPIX.


After Implementation

Of course, we are here for you even after the software implementation. Our support team assists you with all application-related questions about TOPIX.



Do you want to implement your individual requirements? No problem. We look forward to working with you! Describe your task to our experts, and together we will develop the best possible solution.

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