TOPIX is also suitable for your industry

Business Software for services
Business Software for trade
Business Software for rental
Business Software for agencies

These customers trust TOPIX

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BayWa Logo
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Robers Logo

Your business. Our solution.

With TOPIX, we offer you much more than a standard software. You get a sophisticated and versatile software solution that can be customized to meet your industry-specific requirements through intelligent features and a flexible structure.

Whether the software is intended for use in trade, services, rental, or production, TOPIX is the right choice for small, medium, and large businesses in various industries.

Clock Time


For consultants, service-oriented businesses, and creative professionals

Our customers in the service sector appreciate the powerful CRM, flexible project management, and reliable resource planning provided by TOPIX in their daily work.

Learn more about the service sector


Traditional, Online Shop, or Brick-and-Mortar Store

For companies in the trade sector, TOPIX ensures lasting success through comprehensive order processing, structured purchasing, and efficient inventory management.

Learn more about the trade sector

Rental and Leasing

Flexibility, dynamism, optimal processes

Rental and leasing operations demand sophisticated scheduling, reliable data and contact management, and powerful order processing with billing.

Learn more about the rental and leasing sector

Medical Technology

High standards for service providers and trade

Precision, quality, and efficiency are crucial in the field of medical technology. Fortunately, TOPIX provides excellent support with its comprehensive standard and industry-specific features.

Learn more about the medical technology sector


Tailored to the needs of agencies

Especially for agencies, having a modern project management system and professional structures is essential to escape creative chaos and fully maximize their potential.

Learn more about the agencies sector

Service Client

IT and Communication

Successful projects = satisfied customers

Companies in the IT and Communication industry tackle complex projects every day. They need a software solution like TOPIX that makes their lives easier instead of complicating them.

Learn more about the IT and communication sector


Robust and practical

With seamless workflows and individual customization options, you have everything under control from calculation, through production, to delivery and invoicing.

Learn more about the manufacturing sector

The advantages of our industry-specific solution

Every market segment, every industry has specific requirements and business processes that demand specific software solutions. Additionally, each company develops its own specific procedures. Neither a pure standard software nor a ready-made industry package can usually capture the unique combination of requirements. TOPIX is the result of our 30 years of experience in developing customized enterprise software. You don't have to adjust your processes and routines to fit the TOPIX software – our enterprise software precisely translates your requirements into application-specific workflows. This adaptability also holds true when legal or procedural conditions change because TOPIX can be adjusted immediately.


Increase efficiency

All processes and information converge in a central database. Required analyses and information for your industry-specific workflows are provided live and in real-time.

Save costs with TOPIX

TOPIX already provides you with a basic framework of processes, functions, and features that serve cross-industry requirements and have proven themselves in practice.

Flexible and adaptable

Through flexible configuration options of the modules, our software adapts to your company-specific requirements. Of course, our development team also implements your specific suggestions and requests programmatically.

With TOPIX, you can maximize performance

Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, you can process your data records extremely quickly. TOPIX supports your company with clever workflows and automations, allowing you to deliver maximum performance.

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We deliver what we promise!

Get advice tailored to your industry and requirements without any obligation. Our experts are ready to assist you. Since 1990, TOPIX has been known for:

  • Investment and future-proof solutions
  • Long-term partnerships on an equal footing
  • Excellent service
  • Regular updates with useful features
  • Long-term stable prices

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