TOPIX Partner Program

Become a TOPIX Partner

Our common goal: Successful transactions and satisfied customers

The modular structure, sophisticated business logic, and customizable interface make TOPIX solutions appealing for medium to large enterprises with several hundred employees. However, small businesses, startups, and freelancers will find a cost-effective entry option as well.

Proximity to our customers is crucial to us. We aim to provide individual, personal consultation and support, ensuring tailored solutions for our customers. That's why we are looking for you to join us and contribute to our mission.

One Partnership. Three Opportunities.

Contact Partner

You don't want to commit to any obligations and just want to recommend TOPIX? Absolutely! You'll receive a commission for every successful referral based on the customer's initial revenue.

Sales Partner

As a reseller, specialist dealer, or consultant, you sell or rent TOPIX independently to your customers. TOPIX takes care of consulting and services.

Consulting Partner

As a Consulting Partner, you independently handle the sales of all TOPIX products, as well as the consulting and support for the customers you acquire. You directly enter into purchase and, if necessary, maintenance contracts with your customers.

Good Reasons for a Partnership with TOPIX

  • We offer you investment and future-proof products
  • TOPIX has an established market position for over 30 years
  • You receive attractive commissions
  • You benefit from favorable special conditions
  • You receive guaranteed customer protection

Can you imagine a collaboration but still have questions? Your contact person, Alexander Rago, is here for you!

Rago Portrait
Alexander Rago
Head of Partner Program at TOPIX

Request Partner Brochure as PDF!

In our partner brochure, you'll find the detailed terms of our partner program. Simply fill out the form, and you'll receive an email with the download link afterward.